On this website I've collected various manuals and documentation for the Esterel folding caravans. Most of this material I've bought over the last year and scanned for this website and Esterel owners. Some have been found online or sent in (this will be mentioned).
There is also documentation for the Rapido, Paradiso and Casita caravans.
This website is not affiliated in any shape or form with Esterel Caravans or Rapido Campers. I can not help you with certificates of conformity or any other official factory documents.
Late 1960's advertisement, French. "Oscar de la Caravane 1966"
Early 1970's probably?, French, brochure with various models. The original brochure has a folding setup, I have adjusted the order of the pages to make sense in a standard PDF format.
Late 1970's, early 1980's, English, brochure with various models.
Late 1970's, early 1980's, French, brochure with various models.
Late 1970's, Early 1980's, German, brochure with various models.
Late 1970's, Early 1980's, German, brochure with various models. This one has different models and more pages than the other German brochure.
Late 1970's, early 1980's, English, brochure with various models. (This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
1980s, German, Esterel America introduction
1984, English, one page pamphlet.
1985, German, Esterel 340 TU introduction.
1980's (perhaps early 90s), German, Esterel brochure.
1980's Dutch brochure
1980's German brochure, black & white copy.
1980's German brochure in black & white from the importer.
1980's, German pamphlet for the Esterel 315 "SOLAR". A limited edition model.
1980's, German pamphlet for the Esterel 460 T "SOLAR". A limited edition model.
1980's, French 1-page advertisement from a magazine for both folding and non-folding Esterel's
1980's, German, Esterel brochure.
1980's, German, Esterel Primatic introduction
1980's, German, Esterel Rasant pamphlet
1983 French brochure with A3 sized poster in the middle, celebrating the 50.000th Esterel folding caravan being produced.
Late 1970's or early 1980's, English, pamphlet with various models (layouts)
1980's, German, brochure with various models
1988, French, brochure with various models.
1988, German, brochure with various models.
1988, French, brochure with various models.
1989 Dutch brochure. Has various models. This has been stored folded so has some creases.
1991 German brochure. Has various models. (new version in better quality!)
Mid 1990s brochure, in French, English, German and Dutch.
Early 80s Show prices, UK.
1982 price list, German "die verbesserung" ("the improvement")
1983/1984 price list, German
1980's price list, Dutch.
1985 price list, German.
1985 price list, Dutch.
1987 price list, English.
1990 price list, German.
1994 price list, Dutch.
2000 price list, German.
1980's manual. Language French and English. Found online.
Probably early 90s manual. Language French, English, German & Italian.
1997-1998 Dutch language manual.
1990's English language manual.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
1998 English language manual.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
2000 French manual.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
RAPIDO Folding Caravans
Rapido folding caravan brochure, French.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
Rapido folding caravan brochure, English.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
Rapido folding caravan manual, English.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
German language brochure for the Rapido caravan. Both folding and rigid. 1991.
German language brochure for the Rapido caravan. Both folding and rigid. 1995.
English language brochure for the Rapido caravan. 1982
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
Rapido diagrams, French
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
German price list for the Rapido caravan. Both folding and rigid. 1995.
ESTEREL non-folding
Esterel Top-Profil (non-folding) brochure. French, English, German & Dutch
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
Esterel Top-Profil (non-folding) manual. French.
(This one was not scanned by me and was sent in)
Rigid Esterel brochure from the 1960's. French.
NON-ESTEREL folding caravans
Casita 1981 flyer, 2 pages, English.
Casita Folding caravan brochure, English. 1980s.
Casita 1981 prices, English.
Dutch brochure for the Paradiso folding caravan. This is a cross between a tent trailer and folding caravan.